Today's the day!
Normally I love it when you read this blog,
but shouldn't you be at the Christmas in July Tea?
It is on Arizona Avenue between Ocotillo and Queen Creek.
Today, Saturday July 26th.
2 - 5 PM
TEAM H.O.P.E. and Simply the Breast participated in the 2008 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer in Phoenix. This blog was designed to keep supporters updated on our antics. We are currently trying to figure out what's next. Until we decide, we will use these pages to address unanswered (and unasked) questions. We will continue our Pink Ribbon Product Reviews and other patented brands of sense and nonsense. We'll also have more fun Jeannie & Kristine stories - including a few true ones!
One of the people that approached us was a professional Santa Claus. Because we were out of room and because this is not a child oriented event we had to say no.
That's the reason we gave - and it's true, but the biggest reason is that Jeannie is Claus-trophobic!
It turns out that we are not the only people with Christmas on the brain. I was in a great little Mexican Seafood Restaurant in Albuquerque last week and saw a kid wearing a t-shirt that read, "Dear Santa, I can explain."
Of course it is too late for us to get some printed up before our Christmas in July Tea but it did make me laugh!
We had wanted to do some more shameless plugging for our incredible vendors and our generous sponsors but we are running out of time and space. So instead we will leave you with one of our favorite Christmas jokes:
Q: Why does Santa wear pink underwear?
A: He's a man. He did all his laundry in the one load.
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. . . Its gas guzzling must be phenomenal. Still I like it, it is trashy and gaudy and too big but wow! . . .
Yeah, that's a bit of humor. Yo ho ho - as in a bottle of rum, and ho ho ho as in egg nog season. I make a killer homemade egg nog. Although with all the salmonella outbreaks I worry that it might be killer egg nog so I don't make it anymore. And certainly not in August. Can you believe those ladies are out there walking in this heat? It's good for them - builds character.
So - on to the subject of today's post.
Like all normal women (no offense Daun) I love chocolate. The darker and denser the better. Although I can tell the difference between Godiva oops, I mean Dove and Palmers - I am not a chocolate snob. I don't really care where the beans were grown and whether they were cold pressed or what. (I think I may be confusing cocoa beans with olives here. Extra Virgin? Well isn't that special?)
Sorry - I must stay on topic. So I enjoy chocolate. But for some reason I've never been outrageously impressed with Chocolate martinis. And I just figured out why. Chocolate martinis are usually made with vodka. Vodka has its' uses but it dosen't really add anything to chocolate. Rum, on the other hand. . . . . .
I was reading the tasting notes from "Bar and Drink Magazine" on Isla ñ Rum and found myself thinking how good this would be with chocolate.
Think about it - Vodka is made from potatoes and Rum is made from sugar ~ which one belongs in a chocolate martini?
I can tell, you're starting to believe! Alas, you do not know where to find a good chocolate martini mix or Isla ñ Rum.
Would we leave you hanging like that? We are here to serve! It just so happens that we have a Dove Chocolate at Home consultant coming to our Christmas in July Tea. And Dove just happens to sell Chocolate Martini mix.
And. . . .
The generous and kind
Boy now I'm thinking about eggnog and rum balls and figgy pudding and . . . .
We may just need to post some Christmas recipes here in the next day or so - stay tuned!