The other day one of our friends who shall remain nameless (such a GRACEfull woman she is) asked us, "Is there anything you wont do to raise money?"
To which Jeannie replied, "Why? Is there something we're missing?"
Y'all know about our two big events coming up,
the Christmas in July Tea and The Golf Tournament, right? Well we also decided to get in touch with our more creative sides. We had such fun making tie dye shirts for our 411 party, and we've had many requests for more, so we are hitting the streets selling t-shirts.
Not actually the streets.
We will be on the sidewalk by the door to Wal-Mart:
NE corner of Country Club and Baseline in Mesa
Saturday, July 19th 2008
6:00 PM till 10:00 PM
Or until the Shirts are gone!
Saturday, July 19th 2008
6:00 PM till 10:00 PM
Or until the Shirts are gone!
Not that we only have shirts, of course. We also have Jewelry. And Soap. And probably other stuff but right now I have tie dye on the brain. And on my hands. And in my hair. And if I ever wore shoes I would have dye on them. I love tie dying and I'm good at it but I do tend to get messy. When I teach classes of little kids or scout groups I always get real serious as I reiterate what 'permanent' means. The kids do great - they take it seriously and listen and act accordingly. And I've got the pictures to prove it!
Tomorrow I'll show you the pictures of the completed shirts so stay tuned!

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