Thank you EVERYONE for helping out at the BREAST Garage Sale in Chandler. Not only did we meet our goal, we exceeded it! Our Team had high expectations of earning $1,200... Are you sitting down? We made $1,263.30!!! For all you "math people" out there...that's $210.55 for each teammate!

Jesssica, Tina, Jeannie, Kristine and one of our loyal fans taking a break (only because PennyAnn made us) for a photo.
She blogs, therefore, she...ah..."is"???
Way to go, you girlies!!! By the way, when you are THROUGH raising money and supporting the PINK team, how about converting to the ORANGE team?!? We could use some committed money-raising, enthusiastic peeps like you! And we MSer's like to stay aBREAST of things, too...yuck, yuck...
Linda D. in Seattle
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